Steps in essay writing
Persuasive Essay Topic Does Technology Turn You Away From God
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Patient Teaching Essay Example for Free
Tolerant Teaching Essay Presentation: I have picked breastfeeding as my showing point for this task. The particular clientã ¨le will be the new mother at somewhere in the range of 2 and 7 days baby blues, recently released from clinic. As a network wellbeing medical caretaker working with kids and youthful families, I do beginning baby blues visits at home. Breastfeeding is a mind boggling aptitude, normal, yet some of the time hard to do. The customer is regularly overpowered with data gotten in emergency clinic, so meetings must be kept short, and made straightforward. The territory wherein I work is multicultural. There is regularly a language hindrance which further entangles educating and learning. Finding a workable second is simple (London, p. 95). New moms are anxious for help in giving the best to their children. Moms whose infants will not lock onto the bosom or who have an inaccurate hook, may now and then become extremely tense and focused. It is imperative to keep quiet and steady during instructing. The customer must be instructed, not just showed new abilities (Rankin, p. 73). The recently procured data will permit her to settle on her own choices and to be the leader of her own social insurance group. Appraisal: I have been working with baby blues ladies for as far back as 6 years, and have 3 offspring of my own. I am ready to utilize my very own encounters with breastfeeding, my last having halted just 2 years back. I function admirably with my collaborators, I realize that I can't do only it (London, p.51). We help each other at all times a decent back-up framework accessible in the network. These incorporate lactation experts, breastfeeding facilities, specialists, social laborers and network offices. The student and her family are at the leader of the group (London, p.47). They are generally exceptionally inspired to learn and eventually need what is best for the child. It is simpler to shape associations with the customer at home (London, p. 63). The earth is non-threatening to the student and educator. I can likewise get familiar with a ton about the customer by watching the home. I have had numerous customers disclose to me they were breastfeeding only who had half void jugs of recipe on the kitchen counter. The appraisal procedure starts on the phone before the visit. Every new mother are reached when they show up home. All are offered a home visit, some reject. By help of a point by point poll, we realize the issues to concentrate on before the visit. This is useful as we can be more ready with the vital apparatuses. Numerous patients are â€Å"red flag†patients (Rankin, p. 160). Some talk next to no English, have money related issues, are on government assistance, or are single parents. Culture and religion can impact instructing (London, p.296). It is difficult to make speculations regarding one culture, so we should be mindful so as to burrow further when given a circumstance which might be influenced by ones foundation. The region I work in is multicultural. The ladies communicate in numerous dialects and I regularly need to have a relative interpret the educating. This is now and again very testing as I am not in every case sure that what is being deciphered is really what I am stating! I do whatever it takes not to let my own convictions impede my patient consideration. I may not generally concur with the choices of others however consistently remain concentrated on the ideal result. A few customers would want to breastfeed and others would want to bottle feed however are being affected by relatives. Backing from relatives by and large improves the result (Stalling, p.163). The customer will have a simpler time changing in accordance with breastfeeding and will breastfeed for a more extended timeframe with family support. We have to make modifications in our training dependent on every individual perspectives. (London, p. 303). We ought to never make suppositions about anything. Self-viability is a significant factor in figuring out how to breastfeed. The student who figures she can do it, will be increasingly effective. My area of expertise composes a gathering that meets at the public venue once every week. New moms get an opportunity to meet one another and find out about breastfeeding. Utilizing these good examples here and there enables a lady with low self-viability to figure out how to breastfeed (London, p.311). At the point when I stroll into a home, I can frequently tell inside the initial 10 minutes whether I should cause a to catch up visit. At an average visit I evaluate the infant and mother, help with breastfeeding if vital and furnish the mother with accommodating data she will require in the initial barely any months of the babys life. An average visit keeps going 1-2 hours. I for the most part give printed material on the normal breastfeeding issues to my customers. On the site, there is useful data on breastfeeding in a few dialects. I utilize this site regularly to print out data on hooking, sore areolas and engorgement. The data on the site is commonly elegantly composed and altered. The jargon is sufficiently simple to comprehend by most ladies. It is linguistically right. There are no troublesome or exceptionally specialized terms. The subject in this paper is a mother of two who didn't breastfeed her first kid. She communicates in English and functions as an assistant in a drugstore. She has a college degree, so can undoubtedly comprehend data at the twelfth grade level. Arranging: The general objective of this educating is for the customer to have the option to breastfeed in the correct way and to comprehend the advantages of breastfeeding so as to drag out breastfeeding for whatever length of time that conceivable. Coming up next are the particular targets for this clientã ¨le. Toward the finish of the meeting: The customer will state in any event 5 advantages of breastfeeding versus bottle taking care of. The customer will exhibit 3 distinctive breastfeeding positions one time each. The customer will depict the medicines for engorgement and sore areolas. The customer will list 3 assets for additional data after the visit. The customer will perceive and state 3 variables which show the infant is getting adequate milk from breastfeeding. Training apparatuses utilized will be exhibit, conversation, and hand-outs. It is imperative to organize adapting needs. There are a few realities which are intriguing yet which are redundant for the customer to know. (Rankin, p. 191 and 197). The breastfeeding mother doesn't have to know the physiology of the bosom, however she needs to comprehend the connection between visit feedings and expanded milk creation. Content layout: Conversation of the advantages of breastfeeding. Conversation of the elements showing that the child is accepting adequate milk. Perception of the customer breastfeeding utilizing 3 distinct positions. Exhibition of legitimate breastfeeding procedure for each position varying. Conversation of bosom engorgement and sore areolas and their administration. Conversation of assets for additional data about breastfeeding and the evaluate the requirement for a subsequent visit. * The instructing is for the most part done by conversation and exhibit. This is a decent method to get constant input from the customer. It is likewise a decent method to guarantee that all the significant material isn't overlooked. Careful discipline brings about promising results. Grown-up students should be engaged with the instructing (Rankin, p. 196) and need to apply what they realize immediately. This is particularly significant with breastfeeding, as the new mother must have the option to ace it inside a brief timeframe. It isn't generally important to cover all the data with every customer. Some are too overpowered with data as of now; others may as of now have the information base and essentially need assistance with locking. Usage: I for the most part begin educating about breastfeeding following having assessed the customer. I start by conversation of the advantages of breastfeeding and the elements which show that the infant is accepting enough milk. Numerous ladies don't accept that they have enough milk and stress over the need to offer an enhancement. It is critical to disclose this to them. In the event that they do offer an enhancement, their own milk flexibly might be decreased. At that point, I help the customer at putting the infant to the bosom utilizing various situations varying. I in some cases utilize a fake bosom to show the customer the right edge to utilize while taking care of to guarantee an appropriate lock. Visual guides now and then assistance to cause it to appear to be all the more genuine. At the point when that has been aced, I proceed with a conversation of the two most regular issues found in the primary long stretches of breastfeeding, sore areolas and engorgement. I furnish the customer with composed material on appropriate locking strategy, sore areola the board and engorgement. Since these issues some of the time happen following a couple of days or weeks, it is useful for the customer to have this data recorded as a hard copy. I likewise give a data sheet on the assets the customer can utilize in the event that she should require further assistance after the visit. I for the most part cause a to catch up call one to three days after the visit and a subsequent visit as vital. I in some cases allude the customers to the organization Medelas site, This site gives supportive data on breastfeeding and the normal related issues. The PC is just an apparatus, be that as it may. It gives data, not instruction (London, p. 246). I stay accessible to my customers by phone or by email consistently. Recording translated: (T=teacher, L=client) T: Did you breastfeed with your first kid? L: No. I went after for around 3 days yet surrendered because of the agony. T: Did you get any assistance? L: No. Be that as it may, it was less imperative to me at that point. I approved of container taking care of. T: Do you need to breastfeed Joshua? L: Yes. I will be removing a year from work and might want to breastfeed him to the extent that this would be possible. Huge numbers of my companions have had babies in the previous years and all are breastfeeding. They make it look so natural. I chose to invest more energy this time. T: Joshua is 3 days old. How have you been taking care of him? L: I attempted to put him at the bosom directly after birth yet he was excessively lethargic, as was I. The primary day he had a couple of jugs. Recently, I pursued for th
Friday, August 21, 2020
Knights Tale Compare And Contrast Movie And Book Essay
The book and the film have a few likenesses, where they use blades to battle, yet the film utilized more spears for jousting. Looking at both the book and the film to our genuine lives, our lives don⠡â ¦t share an excess of practically speaking. In our lives we don⠡â ¦t haul around blades, and wear defensive layer, or contend in games with spears. Our rivalries for the most part comprise of our exposed hands and feet, to battle. In a manner we do have a kind of game that is practically like blade battling, which is called  ¡Ã‚ §Fencing. ¡Ã‚ ¨ This is the place the guidelines are practically comparable yet you battle in various movements. We likewise have games that utilization firearms additionally, however they additionally hurt a great deal, this game is called  ¡Ã¢ §paint ball.⠡â ¨ Where you attempt to chase down your rival and shoot him before he shoots you with his paint balls. The timeframes are unique, since the book and the film are told in the medieval occasions. While our own is available twentieth century time. We drive vehicles, ride bicycles, or some even ride the transports. In the film and the book they had for the most part rode ponies, or strolled. In which a few cases a few people despite everything do walk presently to get to specific spots. The old ways are likewise the new routes in religion. Since we despite everything have confidence in the Christian ways, as they backed in the medieval occasions, however essentially the English individuals put stock in this. They way they had lived in the medieval occasions, was that they lived for the most part in hard solid houses, or block houses. They would utilize lamps for their lights, or lights, in some cases even to remain warm they would manufacture a little fire. Presently we simply fabricate our homes out of wood, however there are still some that are made out of cement and blocks. Most of houses are worked out of wood, and run on power, to warm the house, or to chill it off with the cooling. The main time that we light lamps or flames are the point at which we go out outdoors, so we bring kindling, and different equipment⠡â ¦s to cook with, for example, a little gas oven. <p
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Research Papers of Soil
<h1>Research Papers of Soil</h1><p>Conducting research papers of soil can be one of the most valuable things you do as an understudy. By performing research papers of soil, you can find out about the various kinds of soil and its centrality to plants and what we think about how we can develop the best yields. There are various soil tests that you can perform to get data. It will require some investment to recover the outcomes from all the labs, yet with all the data you have assembled, you can settle on some significant choices in your life.</p><p></p><p>The first thing you have to recall when leading exploration papers of soil is that you need to pick the test. It's ideal to pick a lab or an organization that is licensed. They ought to likewise have a decent notoriety. On the off chance that you don't realize which test is best for you, solicit an example from soil from your own yard. Your neighbor may have a dirt test unit or a dirt authori ty may prescribe you a testing organization to use.</p><p></p><p>Once you have picked the correct lab, it's a great opportunity to do your examination papers of soil. There are various sorts of tests you can do. For instance, you can have a test to take a gander at the dirt supplements accessible to the plants, contrast that with the plant's supplement needs and test for protection from ailments. You can likewise test for synthetic compounds and different components present in the dirt. There are tests for every single classification of soil tried. So it's a smart thought to realize what sort of test you should use before doing your exploration papers of soil.</p><p></p><p>When choosing the research center that will play out your dirt tests, ensure they give you a gauge of the expense of the test. Ensure they realize how to create a report on their test. They have to let you know whether they do DNA testing, soil examination, mineral i nvestigation, etc. These are significant things to discover when you're getting a dirt test. They will give you the point by point directions for the test. It is crucial that you let them think about your crops.</p><p></p><p>Don't tragically get a dirt test with an excessive number of labs playing out a similar test. Every lab has various necessities, so you may need to discover a lab that has practical experience in the sort of soil you are developing. Likewise, you need to discover how much time it will take for the test to come back.</p><p></p><p>All soil tests will have various outcomes. A few soils are acidic while others are antacid. Also, some dirt sorts have a ton of compost in them, and others have only a little.</p><p></p><p>Conducting research papers of soil can be an incredible method to check whether the dirt kind suits your plant. It will likewise assist you with choosing if a specific test is dire ctly for you. On the off chance that you follow the exhortation given to you by the lab, you ought to have the option to do the test at home and know whether the test is beneficial for you or not. The lab ought to likewise give you enough data to comprehend what the test is about and how well it will function for you.</p>
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
Top Persuasive Essay Writing Choices
<h1> Top Persuasive Essay Writing Choices</h1> <p>If you truly need to make your article sparkle and live off the schedule, there are heaps of choices accessible. You should have total comprehension about your subject. Your subject should stick out, yet what's more offer some idea to another style to introducing your article. Most of the themes could be given to you just as you might be approached to settle on what things to compose on. </p> <p>At our article support, expositions are constantly conveyed in a concise second. An exposition incorporates three major segments, 1. Composing an article might be an enormous test to understudies. Beneath you'll discover accommodating proposals which can make composing convincing articles as basic as pie. </p> <p>After all, you can't make a powerful exposition in the event that you have not done your exploration to the issue accessible. In both, you need to take a particular point and accumulate research on and compose your paper. In the event that examination isn't your solid point, you could have an issue. Factual result and the investigation you draw consistently depend on the underlying examination. </p> <h2>Persuasive Essay Writing - Overview </h2> <p>Argumentative paper has an aim to exhibit the crowd your specific feeling about the issue. Test Your Thesis Your proposition explanation, this is your point of view, should be far from b eing obviously true. Your particular thoughts and conclusions in the paper must be bolstered with contentions. The individual reviewing your paper will in all probability acknowledge how you veered off from the standard. </p> <p>Writers recruited by exposition composing firms should be in a situation to stick to the guidelines that customers flexibly them with. Our modified examination paper composing organization will change your scholastic life as you will discover a few hours to oversee your timetable. It is consistently prepared to furnish you with custom exploration papers. Whenever you provide to demand with some timely help from the authorities of our composing organization, you may be certain we will do our absolute best to give you precisely what you request. </p> <h2>Type of Persuasive Essay Writing </h2> <p>An exposition may have a great deal of aims, yet the major structure of all sort of papers will be same. Likewise, you wish to brin g a review of the entirety of the key thoughts you have put in the paper above. The blueprint and the layout are not adequate to assist you with making a perfect exposition. As a delineation, at whatever point you need more an ideal opportunity to do a proper research and distribute an exposition, you can utilize custom paper composing administration. </p> <p>The head thought of your whole article will be your proposal explanation. Paint a photograph in seven words or less, in case you're ready to. In the event that for reasons unknown, you keep on being not all that agreeable about composing it, don't spare a moment to show up at our example exposition. You could start by perusing another person's exposition. </p> <h2>Ok, I Think I Understand Persuasive Essay Writing, Now Tell Me About Persuasive Essay Writing! </h2> <p>Even today exists a gathering of people who accept article composing is the least difficult part of any instructive program and that which you need to do there, is to simply continue composing whatever and any place you genuinely want to compose whatever comes in your psyche. As a matter of fact, one extraordinary intends to start assaulting an exposition on composing is to monitor the entirety of the trouble you're having with the task. The writer needs to persuade the perusers to acknowl edge their stance. The absolute first significant component of a powerful paper is the position, that is the conviction of the creator about which side is more grounded. </p> <p>College paper composing is a hard undertaking for most understudies. Having a specialist contact to help support the standard of your exposition is the best technique for improving any work which you have done. Composing incredible is craftsmanship that each body should pro to work. As of now you don't have to encounter such composing difficulties. </p>
Sunday, July 26, 2020
How to Come Up With Great Essay Topics for Broward College
<h1>How to Come Up With Great Essay Topics for Broward College</h1><p>Are you attempting to complete your coursework, or you simply make some hard memories thinking of points for your school exposition? Great news!</p><p></p><p>There are different sorts of article points that you can look over. You can investigate which ones are generally proper for your specific subject and afterward compose them.</p><p></p><p>Most of the material that is pertinent in the current day paper point composing is as of now out there. For instance, on the off chance that you need to expound on sports, you can scan for certain games related papers or papers. You can likewise check for the equivalent throughout the entire existence of this subject.</p><p></p><p>If you need to expand your extent of potential points, you can generally search for articles that are now accessible on the web. Nonetheless, you should set asi de some effort to peruse the papers to guarantee that you don't appropriate and make an unfortunate paper. Peruse cautiously with the goal that you can call attention to the entries that you copied.</p><p></p><p>Some individuals would recommend you utilize individual encounters as your great subjects when composing a school paper. The facts confirm that your character is sufficient to carry the peruser to consider who you are as a person. In any case, some may feel that your own experience will cause you to overlook the entire thought of expounding on something identified with your own life.</p><p></p><p>Another one of the basic paper points is the subject of governmental issues. You can look into some political expositions and papers for research to know the point that you ought to compose about.</p><p></p><p>In request to make it simpler for you to concoct article subjects, you can likewise make traces for you r paper. The layout is only a technique by which you can characterize the structure of your paper before you really begin composing it.</p><p></p><p>In composing your blueprint, it is an extraordinary method to ensure that your paper is clear and brief. It is imperative to cause a nitty gritty framework with the goal that you to can abstain from composing whatever is confounding and hard to understand.</p>
Saturday, July 11, 2020
Key Pieces of Why I Want to Go into This Profession Application Essay Samples
<h1>Key Pieces of Why I Want to Go into This Profession Application Essay Samples </h1> <h2> New Questions About Why I Want to Go into This Profession Application Essay Samples </h2> <p>In the presentation for nursing school exposition, an individual ought to be certain they utilize their private articulation. It stresses numerous understudies who have lacking language capacities or who do not understand how to compose magnificent articles for their application practice. The nursing school article presentation is the most basic part. Composing an extraordinary nursing school article is critical to getting your application considered and acknowledged. </p> <p>All you need to do is determine on the off chance that you need your article to be conveyed. There isn't one manual for achievement with respect to affirmation expositions. What's more, you should permit specialists to share thoughts regarding how to compose quality articles. There are heaps of specialists online who probably won't see how papers are composed. </p> <h2> Understanding Why I Want to Go into This Profession Application Essay Samples </h2> <p>Instead, tell the school whythis data is essential, and the manner in which you're take advantage of it. Each city has more than 1 school inside it. Deliberately read by means of the site of the college or school to which you're applying. Ideally my office will have tremendous window with a view. </p> <p>Very great stories and individual bits of knowledge truly can attract a crowd of people's advantage. Try not to disregard to utilize striking guides to breath life into your most signific ant thoughts and make your article one of a kind. Suppose your point is to investigate an extracurricular movement that has played an enormous impact on your life. So in case you're thinking about a conceivably well-track theme, endeavor to move toward it in a particular manner. </p> <p>For a medical caretaker, it's significantly all the more testing considering they are taking care of individuals in torment who now and again are generally inconsiderate and cruel. It has data about oneself that demonstrates to the board an individual merits the opportunity for additional investigations in a specific region. It's truly likely that you've generally wished to be a specialist, and that is not a straightforward reality that you should cover up. Also, there are various sorts of specialists from pediatricians to anesthesiologist. </p> <p>Getting another person to peruse your drafts will have the option to assist you with discovering when you've gone excessively far. You may utilize it like a beginning stage at no expense. You need someone who has the experience to help comprehend the most appropriate title for you. Get an individual to peruse it once more. </p> <h2>The Foolproof Why I Want to Go into This Profession Application Essay Samples Strategy </h2> <p>One of the most troublesome highlights of school life is accounts. In this way, the paper should harmonize with the candidate's characteristics and interests with the end goal for it to support the likelihood of affirmation. For certain candidates, basically getting into a phenomenal nursing school is the most huge component. My decision to be an instructor wasn't made delicately. </p> <p>The measure of numbness is fundamentally higher than the price tag of getting training on the grounds that in the occasion you don't get an advanced degree, you pay for obliviousness ordinarily for a mind-blowing rest. You should not forget about outlines of what you've been doing in arrangements to join the nursing program. Your very own announcement should consolidate the drawn out objectives you have for you vocation in nursing. Make certain each sentence isn't simply a general proclamation about the amount you wish to transform into an understudy of this particular organization, yet furthermore presents your character, inspiration, and capacities that are pertinent to the chosen control of your future major.</p> <h2> Top Why I Want to Go into This Profession Application Essay Samples Secrets </h2> <p>One of the basic assignments of the application exposition is to track with the bearings. Understanding my previous obligations as to hypothesis and figure out how to transform new speculations into training is a procedure I can hardly wait to begin. On the off chance that you'd like help with your application archives, we are the ideal individuals to support you. More much of the time than not, cutoff times for submitting applications are quite often short which makes numerous potential candidates stress they won't can present their example article for MBA application in time. </p>
Monday, July 6, 2020
Literature review on sentiment analysis - 275 Words
Literature review on sentiment analysis (Research Paper Sample) Content: Literature Review on Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Data on 2012-2013 Cyprus financial crisis Abstract Sentiment analysis has attracted a lot of research in recent years. Sentiment analysis over twitter has now offered organizations and governmental institutions a fast and effective means of monitoring public feelings and emotions towards their business, services, brand, employee, and so on. In this paper, we examine twitter sentiments regarding the 2012-2013 Cyprus financial crisis and we shall measure the correlation between negative and positive sentiments Literature Review Sentiment analysis is also called opinion mining (Liu, 2012) and it is the field of study that collects and analyzes people sentiments (opinions, evaluations, beliefs, attitudes, and emotions) towards such entities as organizations, political topics, personalities, products and services, issues, events, and many other things. Sentiment analysis, unlike any other medium of market research represents a much larger problem space. Sentiment analysis is also known by other names like opinion extraction, sentiment mining, subjectivity analysis, emotion analysis, review mining, and affect analysis (Liu, 2012). But in most cases, the terms sentiment analysis and opinion mining are always interchanged, especially in academia. Sentiment analysis term first appeared in (Nasukawa Yi, 2003), while the term opinion mining appeared for the first time in (Dave, Lawrence Pennock, 2003). From there, the terms have been used in numerous research papers particularly in the field of market research. Are there areas where sentiment analysis have been applied? Of course there are plenty. A good example is (Liu et al., 2007) who used a sentiment model to predict sales performance. Another area where sentiment analysis was used was in (McGlohon, Glance Reiter, 2010), where reviews were used in ranking products and merchants. (Hong and Skiena, 2010) also used sentiment analysis to establish the relationships between public opinion and the NFL betting line. The first time twitter sentiments were linked with public opinion was in (O'Connor et al., 2010). Sentiment analysis was also shown by (Bar-Haim et al., 2011; Feldman et al., 2011) to prove that it can be used in microblogs to show how stock prices perfomed. In terms of social relations, (Groh Hauffa, 2011) showed how sentiment analysis can be used to characterize social relations. Twitter network was started in 2006 and since then, it has grown tremendously; in fact, it is among the internetà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s fastest growing social network. It now has over 600 million users with over 2 billion tweets per day. Just like any other social network, twitter is one place where people meet to share their stories, experiences, joys, frustrations, and so on. As a results, twitter has become a powerful research place for researchers and marketers. Twitter is basically a microblogging platform that allows users to post or retweet messages of no more than 140 characters in length (Deitrick Hu, 2013, p20). Users can also send links from other sites through abbreviated URLs, known as short url code. The network also has specific constructs such as replies, retweets, mentions and hashtags. Hashtags are words that denote a specific trending topic and it is preceded by # symbol. All these constructs are meant to increase interactivity among users. Users can opt to follow their favorite twitter users in order to get updates of their posts. Social media forums such as Facebook and Twitter are used by consumers for different engagements in real time. The engagements may range from casual chat to business engagements. This type of interaction has offered an unprecedented business opportunities to companies in terms of marketing and advertising. People across all nationality, gender, race, class, religion, and social status often use the social media to share their experiences and impressions about things that affect them in life. This includes things like political opinions, economic debates, as well as other international debates like the Cyprus Financial crisis of 2012-2013. For instance, people used social media networks like twitter and Facebook to express their concerns, opinions, and views about the financial crisis that hit Cyprus in 2012-2013. Notable among them is Twitter. To police makers, this is a perfect opportunity to analyze the sentiments by mining them and studying the keywords used. As (Kaplan and Haenlein) notes, explosions of user generated content on social sites present a unique challenge in collecting, analyzing, and interpreting textual content since the content/data is dispersed, and disorganized. Thus, sentiment analysis is a tool that has the capability of overcoming such challenges because it helps to systematically extract and analyze online data without consuming a lot of time to manually look for the relevant data. Marketers and policy makers can use sentiment analysis to learn about consumer feelings, public opinion and attitudes in real time regardless of the bulkiness of the data and the data structure. Opinions in social media have been central in human, organizational, and every aspect of human interaction activities as they are key influences of behaviors (Liu, 2012). So, whenever a decision needs to be made, other peopleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s opinion needs to be considered and this applies across all walks of life and across all business and political environments. Individual customers might also be interested in knowing about the opinions of others such as product reviews. So, social media has given users a venue to express and share their thoughts, feelings, and opinions on all kinds of subjects, topics and events. With its 600 million users and over 250 million tweets per day, twitters has quickly become one area where organizations are turning to in order to mine important data which can be used for sentiment analysis. Business organizations, non-governmental organizations, policy makers, and religious institutions, among others can use twitter to understand the mood of the users and reposition themselves in terms of brand, policy making, among other things. Sentiment analysis is far from being an easy problem. In fact, sentiment analysis is much harder than the normal text review documents (Saif, He Alan, 2008). According to (Deitrick Hu, 2013,p1) Sentiment analysis has gone on to become one of the most popular tools for analysis of social networks and that "Sentiment analysis is often formulated as a two-step problem, in which it is first necessary to determine whether a given text is subjective or objective.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Sentiment analysis, sometimes called opinion mining can be applied in a wide variety of real life situations such as business marketing research, political opinion analysis, and general research by scholars. Thus, there has always been a need to develop tools and systems that cannot only simplify work, but offer the most accurate analysis in the shortest time possible. In other words, the system must be able to process subject contents in a document (Liu 2011). (Deitrick Hu, 2013, p1) postulates that many methods of harvesting critical information from social networkà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s immense amounts of user generated content has been successfully applied to many of the real life issues and topics such as business marketing and both local and international politics, to name just a few. Sentiment analysis uses sentiment classifications to enhance community detection and community segmentation to allow deeper analysis of sentiment data (Deitrick Hu, 2013, p1). There two main concerns with using sentiment analysis as a marketing tool. Firstly, academics and marketers as well have realized the profound influence of social networks on consumer behavior (Park, Lee Han, 2007; Gruen, Osmonbekov Czaplewski, 2006). However, the only challenge is learning how to handle the enormous amount of data generated. Secondly, recent technological developments have enhanced user friendliness and classification accuracy thus the marketers and academics can collect large amount of data without being obstructed or contaminated by the presence of an external researcher, but such a tool would be costly though sampling errors can be reduced and readability of the results greatly enhanced. In marketing research, there are two basic types of research methods as purported by marketing research literature: Quantitative market research and Qualitative market research (Newman, 2011). Quantitate research methods are normally used by researchers to test hypothesis and it is typically considered to be the more scientific approach to conducting social science research (Tewksbury, 2009, P1). With Quantitative research method, the focus is normally of specific ideas and is concerned with finding out what particular variables and concepts mean. (Creswell, 1994) defines quantitate research methods as an inquiry into a specific identified problem based on a theory to be tested. It is comprises of variables measured with numbers, and analyzed using various statistical techniques. The goal of quantitative method is to determine whether a particular hypothesis/predictive generalization is true. Social scientist find quantitative methods to be very useful because it helps to gain in-dep th understanding of a particular phenomenon. Qualitative methods of on the other hand, are used to gain an in-depth understanding of issues that may not be understood using the quantitate methods. Thus, qualitative researchers are interested in knowing the meaning people have made, that is, how people view things and make sense of their world as well as their experiences (Merriam, 2...
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